
Today in Denmark For Members

Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Monday

Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Monday
Netflix has pulled the plug on two Danish productions after local agreement requires more pay, rights for industry creatives. Photo: Pixabay

Netflix nixing new Danish shows, how to protect hospitals from cyberattacks, and 'unsettled' weather are among the top stories in Denmark this Monday.


Today is Whit Monday, a Christian holiday celebrated the day after Pentecost Sunday — expect grocery store closures and increased traffic as people make their way home from long-weekend jaunts. 


Netflix nixes production of Danish shows 

The streaming giant has informed partners in Denmark that work is to stop on two productions due to friction with new Danish policies on how industry creatives are to be paid, newspaper Politiken reports. 

The agreement between Danish producers and creatives, entered into in December, requires that Danish actors, scriptwriters, and others be "paid more when their series and films are shown and reach a large audience," Politiken writes. 

According to a letter sent by Netflix to their collaborators, the new agreement means that creating new series in Denmark is no longer profitable for the company. 

READ ALSO: How streaming is pushing Danish film to breaking point

Another un-summery week ahead 

Break out the rain gear again — after a brief reprieve with a warm, sunny Sunday for the Pentecost holiday, we're back to cool and unpredictable weather this week. 

The Danish Meteorological Institute blames the rain and thunder in today's forecast on a low-pressure front moving through the country.

"It will be a week of what we call unsettled weather, alternating between sun and clouds, as well as rain from time to time," says meteorologist Henning Gisselø at the DMI. Expect temperatures just below 20 for the first half of the week, creeping up to just above 20 toward the weekend. 


Monkey pox vaccines to be purchased with money set aside for Ukrainian refugees 

The Danish ministry of health plans to buy monkey pox vaccines for 3.9 million kroner, drawing from a fund to vaccinate Ukrainian refugees in Denmark, Ritzau writes. 

Ministry officials say this fund hasn't been tapped as much as expected since fewer Ukrainians have arrived in Denmark and needed vaccinations for measles, polio, and diphtheria.

Critics include Red-Green Alliance health rapporteur Peter Hvelplund. "It is completely incomprehensible to me that one does not find the funding elsewhere instead of creating additional uncertainty for a vulnerable group," Hvelplund said. 

READ ALSO: Denmark to offer vaccination to close contacts of monkeypox cases

Hospitals vulnerable to cyberattacks, Danish regions say 

The Danish regions are calling for an investment of 300 million kroner by 2025 to improve IT in hospitals with an eye to countering possible cyberattacks. 

"We are experiencing an increasing threat level, and it has not decreased since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, so it is necessary to increase security," Anders Kühnau, president of the Danish regions, told newspaper Jyllands-Posten. 

While Danish hospitals have yet to face attacks from hackers, the Greenlandic hospital system couldn't access patient records for several weeks in May after a cyberattack. 



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