
Denmark's state wealth expands despite pandemic

Ritzau/The Local
Ritzau/The Local - [email protected]
Denmark's state wealth expands despite pandemic
(ARKIV) Ørsted havvindmøllepark Horns Rev 2 i Nordsøen ud for Esbjerg, den 12. april 2018. Når det bliver dyrere at udlede CO2 i EU, kommer der større efterspørgsel efter de grønne løsninger, som findes i Danmark, vurderer Dansk Industri. Det skriver Ritzau, tirsdag den 12. januar 2021.. (Foto: Henning Bagger/Ritzau Scanpix)

The Danish state fortune has grown considerably since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.


The last quarter of last year saw the Danish state increase its fortune from 107.3 to 253.3 billion kroner, the largest ever increase to national wealth by that measure, according to new figures released by Statistics Denmark.

The increase can primarily be credited to an increase in value of 77 billion in the state’s shares in energy company Ørsted, news wire Ritzau writes.

Over half of the company is owned by the Danish state. Ørsted saw a large increase in the value of its shares in 2020, with prices going up by around 80 percent.

Denmark’s state fortune is comprised of shares, bonds and money in the country’s central bank, minus state debt.

Statistics Denmark figures also show the status of public finances in Denmark outside of the national fortune.

In 2020, state spending resulted in a loss of 26.7 billion kroner. That is the largest loss since 27.1 billion kroner in 2015.


The loss was largest in the fourth quarter of the year, reflecting heavy spending on compensation packages for businesses and wage earners during coronavirus closures.

Denmark’s public finances have, despite the loss, made a good fist at limiting the damage inflicting in 2020, according to an expert from the Danish Chamber of Commerce.

“We’ve seen record progress with the net national fortune and the loss on the public spending account ended on a modest 26.7 billion kroner,” Tore Stramer, the organisation’s senior economist, told Ritzau.

“That is very good news and shows that public finances have in no way suffered long-term damage as a result of the coronavirus crisis. That state still has enough financial muscle to contend with the crisis,” Stramer said.

“The corona crisis has in no way left a bill that needs to be paid in the form of increased taxes or lower public spending. That is very important and will boost the Danish economy’s growth potential after the coronavirus crisis (is over),” he added.

READ ALSO: Denmark’s economy hardest-hit since global economic crisis but worst may be over


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