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Today in Denmark: A roundup of the latest news on Monday

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Ritzau/The Local - [email protected]
Today in Denmark: A roundup of the latest news on Monday
King Frederik X waves from the balcony at the Amalienborg Palace alongside his daughters Princess Isabella and Prinsecc Josephine. Photo: Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix

Frederik X celebrates birthday with traditional wave from balcony, Liberals propose EU cyber brigade, Social Democrats propose ban on endless scrolling, and more news from Denmark on Monday.


Frederik X celebrates first birthday as Denmark's king 

Frederik X celebrated his first 56th birthday as Denmark's King, waving for the first time waving from the balcony at the Amalienborg Palace jut as his mother Margrethe II did for her over 50 years on the throne. 

Frederik appeared on the balcony together with other members of the royal family, including Margrethe, at 12pm to watch the crowds sing Today is the King's birthday, to the accompaniment of the Royal Life Guard's band. He was given nine cheers by the crowd. 

The Royal Court has also created an online portal where it is possible to write a birthday greeting to the King. 

Danish vocabulary: udråbt et nifoldigt leve - gave nine cheers

Denmark's Liberal Party proposes EU cyber brigade

Denmark's Liberal Party has called on the EU to set-up a combat-ready cyber brigade which can defend EU states from bybrid attacks from Russia and other countries. 

Defence minister Troels Lund Poulsen, who is the party's chair, said that the threat of cyber attacks had grown, requiring counties in the EU to work together.

"This is both from foreign powers, but also from actors who may have interests in destabilizing parts or all of Europe. It's not just countries. It could also be terrorist organizations and the like," he told the public broadcaster DR. "That's why we need to have a different and stronger preparedness than we have today." 

Denmark could send experts from the Center for Cyber ​​Security, he suggested. 

Danish vocabulary: fremmede magter - foreign powers 


Social Democrats propose ban on 'endless scrolling' and higher age limits for social media 

Denmark's Social Democrats have called for a ban on 'endless scrolling' and autoplay on video apps, and a 15-year age limit for apps like Snapchat, TIkTok and Instagram.  

"We are very concerned about the whole way the tech giants operate the social media platforms. We are in the process of experimenting with a whole generation of children and young people and their well-being," Christel Schaldemose, the party's lead candidate in the EU elections, told DR. "The tech giants have almost taken the childhood away from some of our children and young people, and that is no good." 

She suggested that the age verification could happen through MitID. 

Danish vocabulary: evigheds-scroll - endless scrolling 


'Live Danish, die young': new alliance calls for better health 

An alliance of over 20 patient organisations, medical guilds and insurance companies is calling for better preventative health in Denmark, saying Danes smoke and drink too much, do insufficient exercise and have shorter average life spans than their Scandinavian counterparts. 

"The Danes have an incredibly unhealthy lifestyle compared to other Nordic countries. We smoke and drink significantly more, and our diet and exercise could also be better. Live Danish, die young, I usually say," Jes Søgaard, professor emeritus in health economics at the University of Southern Denmark, told the TV2 broadcaster. 

The alliance, which is led by the insurance company Danica, will on Monday submit 10 proposals for targets they want the government to commit to achieving by 2035, including a 2.5 year increase in longevity, an increase in physical activity, and a halving of young people's binge drinking. 

Danish vocabulary: forebyggelse - prevention



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